Prognostic Value of Androgen Receptor Expression in Premenopausal Women with Estrogen Receptor-Positive Breast CancerHasan Çağrı YILDIRIMa, Meral ÜNERb, Tuğba YILDIRAN ÖZMENc, Elvin CHALABIYEVa,
Deniz Can GÜVENa, Fatih KUŞa, Arif AKYILDIZa, Feride YILMAZa, Serkan YAŞARa,
Yasemin EVLENDİc, Ömer DİZDARa, Şuayib YALÇINa, Ayşegül ÜNERb, Sercan AKSOYaaDivision of Medical Oncology, Hacettepe University Institute of Cancer, Ankara, Türkiye
bDepartment of Pathology, Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, Türkiye
cDepartment of Internal Medicine, Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, TürkiyeDOI: 10.37047/jos.2022-94227 Sayfalar: 33 - 37 961 Viewed.