By 2022, Cancer is Now a More Chronic Disease with Chronic Difficulties to Go Along with ItAhmet Taner SÜMBÜLa, Ali Murat SEDEFb, Cengiz KARAÇİNc, Cemil BİLİRd,
Baran AKAGÜNDÜZeaDivison of Medical Oncology, Başkent University Adana Dr. Turgut Noyan Application and Research Center-Yüreğir Hospital,
Adana, Türkiye
bClinic of Medical Oncology, Private Medline Adana Hospital, Adana, Türkiye
cDivision of Medical Oncology, University of Health Sciences Abdurrahman Yurtaslan Ankara Oncology Health Application and
Research Center, Ankara, Türkiye
dDivision of Medical Oncology, İstinye University Hospital VM Medical Park Pendik, İstanbul, Türkiye
eDivison of Medical Oncology, Erzincan Binali Yıldırım University Mengücek Gazi Training and Research Hospital, Erzincan, TürkiyeDOI: 10.37047/jos.2022-90068 Pages: 1 - 6 1500 Viewed.
Clinicopathological Factors in Relation to HER2 Status in Metastatic Gastric Cancer: A Retrospective Observational StudyMustafa GÜRBÜZa, İzzet DOĞANb, Erman AKKUŞc, İbrahim KARADAĞd, Serdar KARAKAYAd,Cihan EROLe, Ramazan ACARf, Mert KARAOĞLANc, Elif Berna KÖKSOYa, Berna SAVAŞg, Mehmet Ali Nahit ŞENDURe, Didem TAŞTEKİNb, Nuri KARADURMUŞf, Ömür Berna ÇAKMAK ÖKSÜZOĞLUd, Filiz ÇAY ŞENLERaaDivision of Medical Oncology, Ankara University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, TURKEY
bDivision of Medical Oncology, İstanbul University Faculty of Medicine, İstanbul, TURKEY
cDepartment of Internal Medicine, Ankara University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, TURKEY
dDivision of Medical Oncology, University of Health Sciences Dr. Abdurrahman Yurtaslan Ankara Oncology Training and Research Hospital, Ankara, TURKEY
eDivision of Medical Oncology, Yıldırım Beyazıt University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, TURKEY
fDivision of Medical Oncology, University of Health Sciences Gülhane Training and Research Hospital, Ankara, TURKEY
gDepartment of Pathology, Ankara University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, TURKEYDOI: 10.37047/jos.2021-86554 Pages: 14 - 19 1710 Viewed.
Investigation of Regorafenib Efficacy in Patients with Metastatic Colorectal Carcinoma in Relation to the Delivered Dose Intensity/Body Surface AreaKadir ESERa, Emel SEZERa, Vehbi ERÇOLAKa, Ali İNALb, Alper ATAc,
Hakan BASIRd, Mustafa BERKEŞOĞLUeaDepartment of Medical Oncology, Mersin University Faculty of Medicine, Mersin, Türkiye
bClinic of Medical Oncology, Mersin Training and Research Hospital, Mersin, Türkiye
cClinic of Medical Oncology, Mersin Medical Park Hospital, Mersin, Türkiye
dDepartment of Internal Medicine, Mersin University Faculty of Medicine, Mersin, Türkiye
eDepartment of General Surgery, Mersin University Faculty of Medicine, Mersin, TürkiyeDOI: 10.37047/jos.2021-87466 Pages: 34 - 42 1606 Viewed.
Vinorelbine Induced Serpentine Supravenous HyperpigmentationAhsen Duygu YETUTa, Semra TAŞb, Ferhat EKİNCİc, Cumali ÇELİKc, Atike Pınar ERDOĞANc, Ahmet DİRİCANdaDepartment of Internal Medicine, Manisa Celal Bayar University Faculty of Medicine, Manisa, Türkiye
bClinic of Internal Medicine, Varto State Hospital, Muş, Türkiye
cDivision of Medical Oncology, Manisa Celal Bayar University Faculty of Medicine, Manisa, Türkiye
dDivision of Medical Oncology, İzmir University of Economics Medical Park Hospital, İzmir, TürkiyeDOI: 10.37047/jos.2022-88125 Pages: 54 - 56 1308 Viewed.