Sociodemographic differences in awareness of e-cigarette in Malaysia
Received Date : 25 Oct 2018
Accepted Date : 02 Apr 2019
Yong Kang Cheaha,b, Chien Huey Tehc, Hock Kuang Limb
aSchool of Economics, Finance and Banking, College of Business, Universiti Utara Malaysia, 06010 UUM Sintok, Kedah Darul Aman, Malaysia
bThe Center for Health and the Social Sciences (CHeSS), University of Chicago, 5841 S. Maryland Ave, Chicago, IL, 60637, USA
cInstitute for Medical Research, Jalan Pahang, 50588, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Doi: 10.1016/j.jons.2019.04.001 - Article's Language: EN
Journal of Oncological Sciences 5 (2019) 54-59
Aim: Electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) plays an important role in preventing smoking-induced diseases.
However, the majority of people are not aware of e-cigarette. The present study attempts to characterise
awareness of e-cigarette in the overall Malaysian population and to explore its associated factors.
Materials and methods: The data is obtained from the Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS). The survey
consists of a large sample size (n ¼ 4176). In order to examine sociodemographic differences in the
likelihood of being aware of e-cigarette, multivariable logistic regressions stratified by ethnic groups are
Results: Age, gender, education, ethnicity and cigarette smoking are independently associated with
awareness of e-cigarette. Older individuals display a lower likelihood of being aware of e-cigarette than
younger individuals (aOR: 0.977). Males are more likely to be aware of e-cigarette than females (aOR:
2.537). A lower likelihood of being aware of e-cigarette is reported by individuals with primary-level
(aOR: 0.173) and secondary-level education (aOR: 0.389). Awareness of e-cigarette is higher among
smokers (aOR: 1.438).
Conclusion: Considering the sociodemographic variations in awareness of e-cigarette, policy makers
should develop an intervention measure in efforts to provide people with more information on ecigarette
with a focus on those who likely to be unaware of e-cigarette.
Keywords: Awareness; e-cigarette; education; ethnicity Smoking
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